I Think I Can

I enjoy being crafty and I enjoy trying new things. Usually the most complicated part is trying to find the time... ok, it can also be difficult to slow down and take my time. But it's fun to find new things to try and it's always worth it when you have the finished product and can be proud of what you've done.

This blog is a place for me to share my fun DIY projects - from crafts to cooking. I find cooking and baking to be very relaxing. If I never had to do the dishes, I'd do a lot more of it. And anything crafty and creative is always fun... and most of the time kinda relaxing :)

I will try my best to provide clear instruction and take lots of pictures. I tend to be a visual person, but I'll try to stop along the way to measure things out so they're easily repeatable.

Odds are there will be more food items on here simply because food is something I have to make time for - while my crafting is totally just for fun and harder to make time for often. However, maybe this blog will be an excuse to make more time for crafting too :)

Generally, if it can be dreamt up - there's a way to do it... it's just a matter of figuring out how.

I hope that you can find some fun projects.


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