Simple Soups

Ever want something to eat but don't really feel like cooking? If you haven't already guessed from my love of the crock-pot... that hits me now and then :) And sometimes, especially when it's just me, it's hard to get myself in the mood to cook.

However, regardless of if I'm in the mood to cook or not - I do have to eat... now I won't lie - sometimes I have ended up having popcorn for dinner because I didn't want to do anything. And so yes, many times what I end up having for dinner is junk food, snacks, and simply munching throughout the night. But sometimes, I still want real food - something more like a meal. Even if it is a lazy one.

Baked potatoes are often my go to lazy dinner... next usually comes pasta... But what about when you're tired of those and want something different? Usually my fall back is soup. So here are a couple simple soups I've done. They don't require too much time or too many ingredients.

Quick Black Bean Soup

1      can     black beans
1/4   tsp      cumin
3/4   tsp      chili powder
1      tbl       minced dried onion
1      tsp      parsley
1      cup     chicken broth
1/2              lime (juiced)

Add all ingredients together in a pot and bring to a boil. Then cover, lower heat, and allow to simmer for 15 minutes.

While soup simmers, cook one cup rice to serve with soup (optional, but recommended)

With an immersion blender, blend some of the soup while still leaving some beans whole (I aim for a little over half blended)

Ham & Bean Soup

1      can     pinto beans
3/4   cup     diced ham
1      tsp      chili powder
1/2   tsp      onion powder
1/2   tsp      garlic powder
3      cup     beef broth
2      Tbl     cornstarch 
2      Tbl     water

Add all ingredients except the cornstarch and water in a pot and bring to a boil. Then cover, lower heat, and allow to simmer for 15 minutes.

In a small bowl combine cornstarch and water until smooth. Slowly add to soup and stir to combine. Allow to simmer for an additional 5 - 10 minutes for soup to thicken just a little.

Hot & Sour Egg Drop Soup

2      cup     chicken broth (low sodium)
1      cup     water
1      Tbl     soy sauce
1      Tbl     white vinegar
1/4   tsp      red pepper flakes
1/2   tsp      ginger
1      Tbl     cornstarch
1      Tbl     water
1                 egg (beaten)
2                 scallions (optional)
                   sesame oil (optional)

In a medium pot combine chicken broth, 1 cup water, soy sauce, and red pepper flakes. Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. 

In a small bowl whisk together the vinegar, water, ginger, and cornstarch. Add to the simmering mixture and stir until combined. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes. 

Remove from heat and stir in a circular motion for about 30 seconds so that soup will continue to circle the pot when you stop. Add the egg through a slotted spoon while soup is circling to form egg ribbons.

Stir in scallions and about a 1/8 - 1/4 tsp sesame oil.

*also very good with tofu - here's the link to this soup in larger proportions with tofu*

Sadly I had one more to share with you... I have the picture and I remember it vividly... sadly I can't find where I wrote out what all was in it :( Sadly I guess this is what happens when I don't go type it out right away... Anyway, I messed with trying it as a whole bean soup, semi blended bean soup, and fully blended bean soup. I was honestly surprised how much I liked the fully blended one. I don't know why but I thought for sure I'd like the semi blended one best since that's usually my default, but I actually liked the fully blended one better. The whole bean was very good too - just depends if you want a more brothy soup or not if you ask me. And since all I have found are photos - for now, I will leave you with the pictures and keep my fingers crossed that some day I find the piece of paper I wrote it on (I'm hoping it got put away with some other recipes, but I haven't taken the time to go dig through all my hand written ones yet)...


*half blended*

*all blended*


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