
Showing posts from August, 2012

Bridal Hanger

Ok - I couldn't keep waiting on this one... so today is a two post kinda day :) More crafty things to come later... but for now, I leave you with a bridal hanger  post...  I had seen all the wire bridal hangers on pintrest and etsy... the how to directions and was bound and determined to make one... I had debated making one for everyone, but in all honesty after all the work just to get a decent looking 'Bride' I wasn't so sure about 'maid of honor' and 'bridesmaid' -- and ended up giving up. If I had not procrastinated as much as I did, I may have been able to practice more and get it to a point where I liked how they came out and wasn't so afraid of the bigger words and words with spaces and then everyone would've had one. Sadly - having multiple hangers would've been helpful as the one hanger got lost the night before the wedding and was no where to be found when the photographer was there and we started looking for it. Thank

A Yummy Experiment

Ok - I know it has been been quite a long time since I've been here. I must admit I didn't think it'd take me so long to start writing again. And I really thought I'd start with sharing things I made for my wedding that I now have pictures for. However, I come back excited to share another recipe. One that was so good that I finally took the time to sit down and start writing again. So the crafty stuff will be following :) but I will not be gone so long between posts again - at least not for awhile :) So regarding my exciting recipe that I am excited to share with you... I was headed home the other day and started thinking about dinner. I realized we didn't really have a protein ready to eat... we have roasts in the freezer, but they're big and in the freezer... so I ran to the store real quick to grab some chicken. We usually always have some but it's been awhile since we made a Costco run. When I got home, it was time to try to figure out what to do