A Yummy Experiment

Ok - I know it has been been quite a long time since I've been here. I must admit I didn't think it'd take me so long to start writing again. And I really thought I'd start with sharing things I made for my wedding that I now have pictures for. However, I come back excited to share another recipe. One that was so good that I finally took the time to sit down and start writing again. So the crafty stuff will be following :) but I will not be gone so long between posts again - at least not for awhile :)

So regarding my exciting recipe that I am excited to share with you...

I was headed home the other day and started thinking about dinner. I realized we didn't really have a protein ready to eat... we have roasts in the freezer, but they're big and in the freezer... so I ran to the store real quick to grab some chicken. We usually always have some but it's been awhile since we made a Costco run.

When I got home, it was time to try to figure out what to do with it... I hadn't thought that much about it in the store. What started as an experiment with honey whiskey and chicken, came out to be a very yummy dish! Dare I say it, it tasted like Chinese from a restaurant! Americanized Chinese I'm sure - I'm not sure I've had authentic Chinese in all honesty (kind of like Americanized Mexican vs Mexican - both of which I love).

Anyways - this was one dish I was super happy to have documented! When you hubby takes a bite and the first words out of his mouth are, "Oh my God! This is so good!" I think I can file this one away to make again another day :)

While eating dinner I kept thinking of things that could potentially be added to it - honey roasted peanuts, green onions, and sugar snap peas were the ones I like the thought of the most - not necessarily all together though. But in all honesty - the dish was amazing with just the chicken and rice. I rarely get this excited about a dish - but this was simply that good.

If you'd like to give it a try - I'd love to hear your feedback!

Honey Whiskey Chicken

1.5          lb          Boneless Chicken Breasts (chopped into bite size pieces) -- about 3 - 4 breasts/
2             Tbl.       Peanut Oil
3             Cloves Garlic (minced)
1/4          tsp         Fresh Ginger (grated)
1/2 - 3/4  tsp         Red Pepper Flakes (crushed) -- depending on your desired spice level
1/4          Cup       Tennessee Honey Whiskey
1             Tbl.       Honey
1/3          Cup       Light Brown Sugar
3             Tbl.       Ketchup
1             Tbl.       Rice Vinegar
1/2          Cup       Water
1/3          Cup       Soy Sauce

Heat oil in a large skillet. Add chicken pieces and cook until lightly browned. Remove chicken and set aside.

<I wish I would've gotten browner on more sides but I didn't want to over cook>

Reduce heat to medium and pour whiskey into pan first, then water and garlic. Allow to simmer for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Add remaining ingredients, heating over medium heat until well mixed and dissolved.  Add chicken and bring to a hard boil. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 20 minutes stirring occasionally.

 <when first added chicken to sauce>

<after almost 20 minutes>

Serve over hot rice and sprinkle with sesame seeds (optional) - ENJOY.

<before sesame seeds>

<with sesame seeds>

Makes two - three servings (depending on how big your portions are... we had two, but I couldn't finish mine).


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