
Showing posts from October, 2012

Halloween Nails

I did these with "monsters in the dark" in mind... though they look like the little guys from the goo game too. They're simple and fun for Halloween :) You start by painting your nails black. I like to do at least two coats to get them good and dark. Then I took white nail polish and placed two dots on each nail - side by side. Some touching, some spaced - it's completely up to you. Then I took a toothpick and dipped it into the black. With the toothpick I placed little dots inside the white dots... and there you have it - eyes staring back at you through the dark :) Once dry, top with a clear coat and you're good to go.

Morning Yummies

I love breakfast food - but I rarely take the time to eat it. I've been working on getting better at that during the week. And today, I took the time to put something together. I thought they were pretty filling - I could only eat one. But the good news is they reheat well - so they're also good to make over the weekend and have a grab-and-go breakfast during the week. The only difference is the yolk is more likely to be fully cooked or at least mostly cooked when you reheat it. I also tried two drinks - one I prepped the day before, but both super simple and yummy! I woke up early today and had been thinking of options for breakfast. I wanted something different, but not something that was too much work as I had a lot to do already. I came up with a few yummy thoughts, but unfortunately, as I thought of each and got up to look for the ingredients I wanted, I was disappointed to find out that I was missing at least one thing. So I kept thinking... and it hit me - breakfast