Morning Yummies

I love breakfast food - but I rarely take the time to eat it. I've been working on getting better at that during the week. And today, I took the time to put something together. I thought they were pretty filling - I could only eat one. But the good news is they reheat well - so they're also good to make over the weekend and have a grab-and-go breakfast during the week. The only difference is the yolk is more likely to be fully cooked or at least mostly cooked when you reheat it.

I also tried two drinks - one I prepped the day before, but both super simple and yummy!

I woke up early today and had been thinking of options for breakfast. I wanted something different, but not something that was too much work as I had a lot to do already. I came up with a few yummy thoughts, but unfortunately, as I thought of each and got up to look for the ingredients I wanted, I was disappointed to find out that I was missing at least one thing. So I kept thinking... and it hit me - breakfast egg cups. I had a pack of bacon just waiting to be used... and some left over buns that really needed to be used before going bad. I used muffin tins so they were bigger and since it's a 6 tin pan, I only got to use 3 buns, but at least I got to put some of the extra buns to use :)

I've seen similar ones on Pinterest - ones with hashbrowns and bacon crisps and ones with bread and bacon strips. So I had a basic idea of how to do it. I also got one of the drink ideas from Pinterest - they called it a apple spa water. Put a cinnamon stick in it and you get a lightly apple pie flavored water. It smells like apple pie and leaves a slight apple pie after taste in your mouth. It's still water - it's not like drinking apple pie exactly, but it does flavor the water just enough to where it's something different, still refreshing, and still yummy :) The other drink was just a happy accident this morning :)

So here are my breakfast finds for the morning...

Apple Pie Water:

One Apple (sliced)
One Cinnamon Stick

I have one of those apple corers that cut the apple into slices. I used it, and then cut each slice into 4 - 5 slices. Since my pitcher has a container for the items I'm infusing the water with, I had to cut the slices in half too for them to all fit. I put in about 1/3 of the apple, and the placed the cinnamon stick on the side. Then I finished putting in the apple slices and then filled the pitcher with water. If you don't have a pitcher that does this - don't worry - you can put these in with the water directly. Most pitchers have a sliced lid side that would stop the apples or cinnamon stick from pouring out with your water :)

Let the water sit for at least an hour to get the flavors going. Depending on how quickly you drink the water - you can refill the pitcher one more time before needing to replace the apple or cinnamon stick. 

Raspberry Spiked Coffee:

One shot French Vanilla Kahlua
One shot Heavy Whipping Cream
One cup Raspberry Chocolate Truffle Coffee

I put one shot of Kahlua and one shot of heavy cream in my coffee cup and then poured in the coffee. By adding the coffee last, you mix them all together as your pour. 

What you get is a fabulous spiked mocha flavored coffee. The raspberry is very light and chocolate is just strong enough to bring the mocha flavor. You don't need to use the k-cup type of coffee either - just find a flavored coffee that has chocolate and another flavor (if you want the other one)... I brewed the coffee a little strong myself - but you can always tweak the amounts and how strong you make your coffee to get the flavor just right for you. 

Bacon Egg Cups:

12 slices of bacon
3 large buns (or 6 slices of bread)
12 eggs
1/2 cup cheese
Salt & Pepper

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.

Slightly cook your bacon so that it's just starting to brown / crisp. You don't want it fully cooked, but you don't want it raw either. Cook for around 4 - 5 minutes. 

Take your buns (or bread) and cut into 3" rounds - I used a cookie cutter but you could also just use a glass, turned upside down, and use a butter knife to get the bread back out.

Spray your muffin tins with cooking spray and then press your buns / bread into the bottom of each. Then lay two slices of bacon around the outside (I put the crispiest part at the bottom) to circle the bread. 

Sprinkle a little cheese to cover the top of the bread. Crack in two eggs per muffin well, being careful not to break the yolks. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. 

*When I took the picture I only had one egg in each of the top wells - when I had everything filled it just looked too empty to me so I added one more egg each and I thought the proportions were perfect with two eggs each. 

Bake your egg cups for 22 - 25 minutes or until your eggs are the desired doneness... I cooked for 23 and had slightly runny yolks still. If you wanted the whole yolk runny - I'd recommend tenting your pan with foil to trap in the steam. This will cook the tops of the eggs quicker so you can take them out of the oven sooner and still have fully cooked egg whites. 

Gently take each out of the muffin well with butter knives - one on each side, lightly pressed together, and lift. Serve & Enjoy! Bacon, bread, eggs, and cheese - all in one and oh so good!

This is a great way to cook eggs for multiple people and be able to serve everyone at the same time without anyone's eggs getting cold or overcooked from being kept warm. They're also good for a quick breakfast made ahead of time - I reheated in the toaster oven at 350 for around 10 minutes and it was perfect to me! The bacon stayed crispy and it was warmed through. 


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