
Showing posts from September, 2013

Stuffed Poblanos

A stuffed pepper?  I've never eaten a stuffed pepper in my life... so why I had the urge to make them the other day, I honestly couldn't tell you. However, I couldn't be happier with the choice :) I started by making some brown rice. I didn't add as much water as I usually do (just a few tablespoons short) figuring it might be a little too mushy for a filling. I'm not sure if it really would've made a difference, but I was very happy with the way the rice came out. Then I prepped the peppers by making a slice down the side and removing the seeds. I popped them in the oven for about 20 minutes to soften and started on the filling while they cooked. For the filling I cooked the onions for almost 10 minutes so that they became soft. Added in the garlic and simmered for just about a minute more before adding the beans, water, and spices. Then I mixed in the rice and before stuffing I decided to add a little more than I had originally planned an