
Showing posts from May, 2012

Blueberries - OH MY

So I LOVE blueberries... ok - berries in general :) But today - I'm bringing you several delicious blueberry recipes... what can I say, I had blueberries on the brain :) Before I go into my blueberry novel - I have to share a picture of a flower... it's got nothing to do with blueberries, but it's one of my new favorites! It's called a Lizzy - the purple Lizzy is just such a dark, rich purple - it's absolutely beautiful. I also think it looks a bit like a rose in bloom although when fully open you can tell it's something different. It smells lovely and is just an overall great flower if you ask me :) So here are a few pictures of one... and since it's purple - it kind of goes with the whole blueberry thing... right??? And now - onto the blueberries! First, I had seen blueberries dipped in yogurt on Pinterest and figured it looked like a yummy snack. One of my friends has always said how much she loves frozen blueberries - so frozen blueberrie

Fun with Nails

I love nail polish - making the little flowers with the ends of a toothpick, doing half and half, making hearts, etc. So when I saw a thing for water dipped nails on Pinterest - of course, I had to give it a try. The one I found had you putting tape around the nails and picking your colors and dipping your nails. I liked the look - but that whole tape thing was no where near as easy as it looked! And honestly, getting it back off was kind of interesting too. I did it about three times till the lightbulb in my head finally went off... I wondered if using vaseline would work, it made sense that it would in my head and it was worth a shot... it'd be a lot easier than putting tape around each nail and trying to cover all my finger tips. And guess what... IT DID! So if you've done your nails with tape and water - try it with vaseline. A huge time saver and so much easier!! And if you're just looking for a new way to do your nails and you're interested in trying somethi

For ALL Celebrations

If there is one thing that I think belongs at any celebration, well aside from sweets, it's deviled eggs. They are great at all holiday celebrations and enjoyed at any get together really. They're also easy - and very forgiving... you can do all sorts of different flavor combinations. Now yes, there are some that shouldn't be tried - but as a whole, there are a lot of options. Personally - I love them with a little bit of kick and that vinegar tang. So today I'm sharing my main go-to deviled egg recipe. Generally I do it by eye, so feel free to tweak the proportions of the ingredients if you like. This is simply the proportions I was feeling when I made them last. I like to slice them with a wavy knife - though you can do it with a flat one too. If you'd like a wavy knife, I just saw one at Bed Bath and Beyond for $2.99. I'm sure they are other places too, but honestly I've never seen them at the store before. Mine used to be my Mom's. I also like

Time to Relax

Know someone who is constantly on the go? Who never seems to slow down? That's my Mom! So for Mother's Day - I figured I'd do a 'RELAX' themed basket of bath goodies. I also wanted it to have a personal touch though - so I thought of things I could make to go in it. This post is about the Coconut Orange Salt Scrub that I made. It smells and feels great! The only thing I would change... the container I put it in... The labels I did with my Cricket - but I must admit, I couldn't get the letters perfectly lined up. This was probably partially my lack of patience... I suppose I could've used a ruler to keep it straight... but I kind of ended up liking my funky line up :) With the exception of the letters - this was super easy. So here's what you do (you can change the portions to fit your jar)... Start with one cup of kosher salt and add 2/3 cup of raw sugar. You can change the type of salt and sugar used so that you can have a finer or coarser scru