For ALL Celebrations

If there is one thing that I think belongs at any celebration, well aside from sweets, it's deviled eggs. They are great at all holiday celebrations and enjoyed at any get together really. They're also easy - and very forgiving... you can do all sorts of different flavor combinations. Now yes, there are some that shouldn't be tried - but as a whole, there are a lot of options. Personally - I love them with a little bit of kick and that vinegar tang.

So today I'm sharing my main go-to deviled egg recipe. Generally I do it by eye, so feel free to tweak the proportions of the ingredients if you like. This is simply the proportions I was feeling when I made them last.

I like to slice them with a wavy knife - though you can do it with a flat one too. If you'd like a wavy knife, I just saw one at Bed Bath and Beyond for $2.99. I'm sure they are other places too, but honestly I've never seen them at the store before. Mine used to be my Mom's. I also like to top with paprika, but I've seen them without anything or even with chives - really, that's up to you too.

So if you like a little kick and the tang of vinegar - here's my version of deviled eggs (feel free to change the proportions for a smaller batch - I was doing this for a decent sized group):

20      Large         Eggs (hardboiled)
1/2      Cup         Mayonnaise
1/3      Cup         Yellow Mustard
2         Tbl.         Red Wine Vinegar
1          tsp          Salt
1/2       tsp          Ground Black Pepper
3/4       tsp        Sriracha Chili Sauce
1          pinch      Sugar

After you shell your hardboiled eggs, cut them in half, popping out the yolks into a small bowl as you go. Place egg whites on your tray. Mash the yolks with fork so that they resemble a fine powder.

If you're like me and ripped any of the whites when taking off the shells or when slicing - you can cut it up into really small pieces and add it to the yolks.

Mix all other ingredients into yolks and stir until combined and smooth.

This is a good point to taste and tweak to your desired tastes.

In the past I've added garlic and onion powder as well as some herbs in addition to the ingredients listed above.

Spoon into gallon sized ziplock bag and cut out the corner so that you can pipe it into the egg halves. You can use a decorative tip or just squirt it in directly from the bag. I find this easier than trying to spoon it into the eggs directly.

Sprinkle tops with herbs, paprika, or leave plain.

You could fill the eggs more - or you could do like me and enjoy the left-over extra filling in a sandwich... or even straight in all honesty :) I've enjoyed it with iceberg lettuce and even salt and vinegar chips in the past. Granted - I do love egg salad just as much as deviled eggs... I could seriously eat it for at least 2 meals a day... easy... until I wore out anyway :)

If you have any favorite flavor combos for your deviled eggs - I'd love to hear them :) I've tried onion, jalapeno, ones with relish, and plain mayo and mustard... I continue to use vinegar as my fall back as I just love the tang, but I always love to try something new!


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