
Showing posts from July, 2012

Gluten Free Day 14

I've made it! 2 whole weeks... no gluten! I can't say I notice much of a difference - granted, it was only 2 weeks. My weight didn't change, however I did lose a half inch on my waist. So while it's not a noticeable difference to me, it looks like it did do something. I've heard some people have had very noticeable changes in the two weeks. For me, I don't think I ate all that bad in the first place but I did have to work on eating fresher and not always going for the quick meal. I am proud that I did it and I did find some very yummy foods and I did learn more about paying attention to the ingredients in my food. It was a learning experience and hopefully it will help me make watching what I'm eating more of a habit. I won't lie - when I was hungry, it was hard not to just stop and grab something real quick. But really, it forced me to find healthier grab and eat foods. Granted, there are plenty of not so healthy gluten free things I could've had

Gluten Free Days 11, 12, and 13

Well, sadly I've not been very good at posting my gluten free days any sooner than before. Part of it, other than just being busy, is I've not been making much of anything. Just fruits and veggies that I don't do anything with are rather boring all in all. So they just don't make the cut. And that's really all I've been up to. Day 11 was fruits and veggies at work. A burrito bowl (no tortilla) at lunch from Chipotle as I was running around at lunch and had to have food. And a plain baked potato for dinner since we were still running around. Day 12 was an egg and peach for breakfast - spaced by my drive in so they didn't seem as odd a combo as they sound :) Sadly I skipped lunch as things were just too crazy and I didn't want to be late. I munched at my desk of the few gluten free things I had with me (a few of the apricot coconut and cranberry cherry nut balls) and some dry gluten free cereal. For dinner we went out to a Mexican restaurant that offer