Gluten Free Day 14

I've made it! 2 whole weeks... no gluten! I can't say I notice much of a difference - granted, it was only 2 weeks. My weight didn't change, however I did lose a half inch on my waist. So while it's not a noticeable difference to me, it looks like it did do something. I've heard some people have had very noticeable changes in the two weeks. For me, I don't think I ate all that bad in the first place but I did have to work on eating fresher and not always going for the quick meal.

I am proud that I did it and I did find some very yummy foods and I did learn more about paying attention to the ingredients in my food. It was a learning experience and hopefully it will help me make watching what I'm eating more of a habit. I won't lie - when I was hungry, it was hard not to just stop and grab something real quick. But really, it forced me to find healthier grab and eat foods. Granted, there are plenty of not so healthy gluten free things I could've had too - so I'm glad that, at least for the most part, I stuck healthy.

I will say, it is easiest with someone because it helps you stay good. There were plenty of times I wanted to cheat, and if it were something I was just doing on my own - I don't know if I would've had such strong willpower to say no.

I was pretty lazy today food wise - ate mostly leftovers. And I enjoyed those waffles again :) I really do like them! Kind of like the cereal - perhaps it is that I like breakfast and should work on making it more :)

I also really enjoyed Xochitl thin and crispy corn chips with salsa - great snack and really one of those things that I have to limit myself on because I could sit there and eat them all day long.

So while I don't have any fun creations to end on, and I've been really bad with actually having new creations lately... I did find some good snacks and learn more about watching what I put in my body. If nothing else, it was a good educational journey for myself to become more aware and to start making better habits.

I cannot promise that I will stick with gluten free - in fact, there are certain things (like flour tortillas) that I'm just not sure that I could go without. But I could easily stop eating as much.

For now - I'm signing off and I'll be back when I get time to sit and blog in detail again - no more of these short summaries when I'm trying to explain things. I want to be able to take the time I should again, but it will be a little while until I have the time again. I will be back with some crafty stuff too :)

Until then, take care and be safe! And feel free to try something new :)


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