
Showing posts from June, 2013

Good Morning!

Ok, I know it's not morning - but it's a morning related post so even though I'm sharing it late, it's a morning kind of post :) I've been seriously slacking with updates too, sorry about that... It's not that I haven't been trying new things, just simply that I haven't been taking the time to write them out... shame on me, I know. Anyways, I recently tried something that came out wonderfully good - so I had to stop and take the time to write it out to share with you :) even if I am sharing it a little late...  You may know this already, but I love breakfast food, however, I certainly don't make it often... I am not a morning person so waking up early enough to make breakfast is just not a high priority in my book... however, the other day - when I just couldn't sleep in any more (I couldn't sleep period - I was awake at 4), I decided to get up and make breakfast for my hubby. And I must admit, I think we were both quite pleasantly surp

Lemon Bar Inspired

Ok - I'll admit, the title may be a bit misleading... this post is not about lemon bars (as good as they may be)... but rather a different type of bar that is like a lemon bar, just a different flavor :) You can really make them any flavor combo you like... and I will admit, after this one I'm dreaming up other flavors as they're a great grab and go snack, take care of a sweat craving, and really don't have a ton of unnatural sugar in them. Key word being ton, I'm sure they're still not the healthiest, but they're super good :) Strawberry Rhubarb Bars 1       Cup      Whole-Wheat Flour 1/2    Cup      Almonds 1/3    Cup       Powdered Sugar 6       Tbl        Cornstarch (divided in half) 1/4     tsp         Salt 1        pinch     Salt 4        Tbl        Oil 2 1/2  Cups     Sliced Strawberries 2        Cups     Sliced Rhubarb 1/3     Cup       Water 2        Tbl         Lime Juice 1/3     Cup        Sugar 2        Large      Eggs Pre