Good Morning!

Ok, I know it's not morning - but it's a morning related post so even though I'm sharing it late, it's a morning kind of post :) I've been seriously slacking with updates too, sorry about that... It's not that I haven't been trying new things, just simply that I haven't been taking the time to write them out... shame on me, I know. Anyways, I recently tried something that came out wonderfully good - so I had to stop and take the time to write it out to share with you :) even if I am sharing it a little late... 

You may know this already, but I love breakfast food, however, I certainly don't make it often... I am not a morning person so waking up early enough to make breakfast is just not a high priority in my book... however, the other day - when I just couldn't sleep in any more (I couldn't sleep period - I was awake at 4), I decided to get up and make breakfast for my hubby. And I must admit, I think we were both quite pleasantly surprised :) I think this may be one I have to go get a bottle for so that I can make the batter and then just make one at a time to eat breakfast more in the morning :)

We had some berries in the fridge so I really wanted something with them in it and after thinking for a little bit I decided on waffles. I mean come on, waffles and berries - MMMMMM!

At the same time, I didn't want to be way too unhealthy - I tend to think of waffles doused in syrup when I think of waffles... and I didn't want that. So I tried - key word tried - to make it a little healthier. Which naturally meant then I had to find one of those online calculators and figure out if it really wasn't all that bad :) 

I don't think it was amazing - but I don't think it was bad either. I have 1 serving being 2 waffles topped with berries in their juices. Really one waffle could be a portion too - but the recipe made 8 and we enjoyed them in sets of two so that's why I did that as a serving (granted I will admit, I was unable to complete my serving). 

Anyways - I know the calculations are slightly off as I couldn't find the right type of protein powder, but I figure it's probably pretty close :) I was very happy with the vitamin C and calcium amount, and I thought the protein and fiber was pretty decent too. If you're interested, the information is after the recipe and photos. 

Wheat Waffles & Berries

1 1/2 cup wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbl sugar
2 Tbl vanilla protein powder
1 large egg
1/3 cup applesauce
1 1/2 cups almond milk
3/4 cup blueberries
1 1/2 cup sliced strawberries
2 Tbl honey
1 lemon (zest only)

Place your blueberries and strawberries and honey in a small bowl, stir to combine and let sit in the fridge while you do the rest. You can even do this the night before. 

When you're ready to make your waffles, plug in your waffle maker, and mix together your dry ingredients and then stir in your wet ingredients until combined. 

Pour mix into waffle maker and bake until waffle is done. 

When waffles are done, top with berry mixture and enjoy :)

This recipe is super easy and very yummy! I think the vanilla protein powder adds just enough sweetness and flavor to combat the need for syrup or any extra sweetness besides just the berries and their juices. If you HAD to add something, a light drizzle of honey would do the trick. It's light, sweet, and fruity :) and totally worth taking the time to make :)

And if you're interested - here's the nutrition information I calculated.

Per Serving (two waffles with 1/4 of your berries and juices):
calories                      256
fat                              2.5 g
     sat fat                    0.3 g
     poly fat                 0.3 g
     mono fat               0.7 g
Cholesterol                15.0 mg
Sodium                      622 mg
Potassium                  214 mg
Total Carbohydrate   50 g
     dietary fiber          9.2 g
     sugars                   12.2 g
Protein                       12.9 g

A                   4.7%
B-12            18.8%       
B-6               2.6%
C                 65.1%
D                  9.4%
E                 20.6%
Calcium      63.2%
Iron              4.6%
Magnesium  8.4%


  1. this looks so good. I'm going to have to try a version for myself


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