Lemon Bar Inspired

Ok - I'll admit, the title may be a bit misleading... this post is not about lemon bars (as good as they may be)... but rather a different type of bar that is like a lemon bar, just a different flavor :)

You can really make them any flavor combo you like... and I will admit, after this one I'm dreaming up other flavors as they're a great grab and go snack, take care of a sweat craving, and really don't have a ton of unnatural sugar in them. Key word being ton, I'm sure they're still not the healthiest, but they're super good :)

Strawberry Rhubarb Bars

1       Cup      Whole-Wheat Flour
1/2    Cup      Almonds
1/3    Cup       Powdered Sugar
6       Tbl        Cornstarch (divided in half)
1/4     tsp         Salt
1        pinch     Salt
4        Tbl        Oil
2 1/2  Cups     Sliced Strawberries
2        Cups     Sliced Rhubarb
1/3     Cup       Water
2        Tbl         Lime Juice
1/3     Cup        Sugar
2        Large      Eggs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a square 8 x 8 baking dish with foil that is coated in cooking spray.

In food processor, chop almonds - either to small chunks or to a powder. Add in flour, 3 Tbl cornstarch, 1/4 tsp salt, and powdered sugar and pulse to combine. Transfer contents to a medium bowl. Add oil and with your hands, mix together until combined.

Firmly press mixture into your prepared baking dish and bake for 20 - 25 minutes, or just until edges start to brown.

While crust is baking, combine your strawberries, rhubarb, and water in a medium saucepan. Allow mixture to cook over high heat, stirring frequently, until your fruit is soft and mostly broken down (this took me about 15 minutes).

Strain your mixture into a small bowl to get out the chunks and keep only the liquid. You should have about 1 1/4 cups. **If you're a little short, no problem, but if you don't have at least a cup you should add some water.**

Stir in lime juice and whisk in the sugar, remaining cornstarch, and your pinch of salt. Once mixed, whisk in the eggs until completely combined.

Pour filling over crust and bake until just set, 15 to 20 minutes (it's ok if the center is still a little jiggly). Let cool to room temperature on a wire rack and then gently lift out of pan. Cut into squares, garnish as desired, and enjoy.

Mmmm Mmmmm Good!


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