Gluten Free Day 4

So I'm past the half way point for one week and I have so many ideas in my head and figuring out the order to do them is tough!

That said, I still had the tortillas on my brain when I woke up. So I tried one with a breakfast burrito. While I was quite happy with the flavor - I had two things against me... 1. The tortilla couldn't roll tight enough and it cracked making a BIG mess... I warmed it 30 seconds this time too, so apparently there's still a learning curve. 2. I mashed my banana figuring that'd be easier than worrying about chunks of banana falling out... boy was I wrong! It was way too soft and once the bottom of my burrito cracked, banana started leaking. So going forward I am thinking mixing all the extra ingredients into the peanut butter and then just adding sliced bananas and wrapping it up. Oh well - we live we learn :)

If you're interested in trying it, I'll tell you what I did and then tell you what I recommend right after.

1                  Tortilla
1      ripe      Banana
1/4   tsp       Vanilla
1/8   tsp       Cinnamon
1      pinch   Allspice
2      Tbl      Peanut Butter
1      Tbl      Honey

I spread the peanut butter and honey over a tortilla and mixed the rest of the ingredients together in a bowl and then added it to the tortilla and wrapped it up.

I recommend, mix peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, allspice, and vanilla in a small bowl. Spread over tortilla and slice banana over the top. Wrap and enjoy.

For lunch I was lazy - I still have some sushi (ok - it's the fake stuff, everything is cooked in it, but I still like it :) I only get the raw stuff out at restaurants and I'm not sure having leftovers of that would be so wise)... Anyways, the kind I have is nearing it's date so I ate it. I got the bigger one because it had more options, but now that I'm barely over half way with two days left I'm trying to eat more so that I don't waste any. Note to self - the small one is more than enough :)

For dinner - I had to do artichokes I had seen them at the other store and I couldn't hold onto them too long. I tried something a little different and did them in the crock pot! I must admit, I'm a huge crock pot fan so I like seeing what I can do with it. Often the problem is size - since I have a bigger one, usually there's always a lot of left overs. However, since I really just used it to steam the artichokes no portion worries this time :)

If you'd like to try them in the crock pot too - here's what I did :)

2    Medium    Artichokes
5    Cups         Water
4     tsp            Lemon Juice
5     cloves      Garlic (minced)
1/2  tsp            Sea Salt

Cut stem off artichokes and the edge of the leaves. When you get toward the top, it's easiest to get a sharp knife and just chop the ends off.

Put the water in the crock pot and then sit the artichokes in. FYI - mine took 5 cups to barely come up onto the base of the artichokes. You don't want a lot of water, just enough to steam and not run dry. I got it about 1 - 1.5 inches up on the artichoke.

Pour 2 teaspoons of lemon juice over each artichoke allowing it to get into the leaves.

Then put a little garlic in the water and rubbed the rest into the center of the artichokes and into some leaves. Sprinkle each with about 1/4 teaspoon sea salt.

Cover and cook for 3 - 4 hours, will depend on the size of your artichoke. You want to be able to pinch on of the leaves and have it come right off.

Serve with melted butter and ranch.

You can also steam the artichokes on the stove - just depends on how long you want to wait for them to be done. The crock pot took longer, but it was really good.

Hope you all are having a good week! More updates to come :)


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