
Showing posts from April, 2012

Lime in the Coconut

Lime & Coconut... Mmmmmmm! So a few weeks ago I made this lemon blueberry bread. I found the recipe on pinterest, but did tweak it some based on the ingredients I had and the flavor profile I was going for. Original recipe can be found  here . It came out great and it's had other flavor combos on my mind ever since. This weekend I finally got the bug to bake again, and I really wanted to use my little mini bunt pan. So I changed the recipe to a lime and coconut flavor and used my bunt pan. Really I should've used cup cakes or put less in each mini bunt and used the pan twice because they were over flowing after they rose. This was my fault cause I knew I was pushing it with how much I was putting in each. I was anxious and didn't want them to be too small or to have to cook two batches though so I pushed it and put in too much... But I really wanted to use that pan and they still came out super yummy anyway. If you like lime and coconut - give th

Quick Craving Fix

Grasshopper pie in a glass... Mmmmm Mmmmmmmm Good! I have been craving grasshopper pie for weeks. I couldn't tell you why, but it just sounded really good. But I couldn't make a whole pie - I'd be the only one eating it. So I decided to make it into a drink. One glass to take care of my craving. So I grabbed the ice cream, creme de menthe, and creme de cacao along with my little blender. Had I not been taking pictures I would've had it in the glass I blended it in... since I was - well I tried to make it look a little nicer :) Since my ice cream scoop was recently broken and has yet to be replaced, I scooped it out with a spoon. As a result, I understand that the measurements may be slightly off. I'd say two scoops with my spoon were probably close to one big scoop with an ice cream scoop. I took 7 scoops of french vanilla ice cream and added one shot of each in my blender cup and let it blend until smooth. Poured it into a martini g

Simple Soup with a Twist

At first I wasn't hungry - then I was super hungry. I wanted dinner, but I also didn't want to be sitting there cooking, I wanted food. While staring in my fridge for inspiration, I noticed some tofu that I had purchased last week. I got it wanting to try it - I've never had it. I got it so I'd branch out and try something new, but it's just been sitting there. So when I wanted food now, I figured it might help add some substance to something quick. And what could be quicker than soup? Ok, yes it's getting warmer - but not too warm yet. Plus soup is always good and quick. So with tofu on the brain and the desire for something super quick - hot and sour soup came to mind. I have made it before. It's really simple and quick. Ok, my version is just a spicy egg drop soup because I didn't want everything that is usually in hot and sour. I think it usually has mushrooms which is my main issue... If I remember right, some have meat, I'm pretty sure

A Little Cheesy...

I must admit, I have my lazy moments. I love to cook, but I also love my crock pot! So today's fun food mixture is a spicy cheesy mac and cheese... IN THE CROCK POT! Now I should have stirred this more, maybe every 30 minutes to help prevent the cheese from caking on the sides. But I had errands to do. So I tossed this all together after work and headed back out for my errands. The only thing you have to be careful with - is unlike pot roasts or pulled pork in the crock pot, you can over cook pasta so you do have to be mindful of your time. That said this was super easy and super quick. It was nice to be able to come and toss everything together and have dinner ready when I got back. It did take a little prep work, but not too much. I slightly cooked the pasta, but you could cook them entirely in the crock pot and give yourself more time to run around too (add a little extra milk if you do). For me, well, I did have errands to do but I was also very hungry! So I didn'

Refreshing Summer Sorbet

So I had a bunch of strawberries - problem was, I got so many that after I got my fix in, the remaining ones started to just sit in my fridge. I didn't want them to go bad so what could I do with them? I wouldn't eat enough if it was just added to a salad, they'd be too bad before I could finish them. The next thought... sorbet! It's been getting warmer and my windows have been open... what could be more refreshing?! Plus I got a new ice cream maker this winter and I love making new things with it! So I sliced up my remaining strawberries and had a little over 2 cups of slices. I zested a lime and put in the juice from half of it. Added some sugar and a little coconut rum. Tossed it all together and then covered it and let it sit in the fridge over night. I also put my can of coconut milk in the fridge - this way they'd both be cold and when I combined them, they could go right into the ice cream maker instead of back in the fridge to chill. Plus, I thought o

Old T-Shirts = Cheap Dog Toys

So my baby girl loves to shred. She lives to get the squeaker out of squeaky toys and make it so the squeaker doesn't work any more. She also loves to defluff her toys. Thankfully - unless they're her toys, she doesn't defluff or shred anything else. Amazingly she's very good at this - she sets her mind to her destruction and usually has her job done within 30 minutes or less. I haven't found a toy that stood a chance against her persistence. Naturally this gets pretty pricey when toys are automatically destroyed. It brings her lots of joy though so I like to get her toys. When it comes to the fluffy ones - I have started going to garage sales and picking up some of the cleaner stuffed animals for a quarter or two. I wash them at home and then her eyes light up and she bounces around in anticipation of getting the new toy. We had a few extra squeakers from a toy that had replaceable ones (not that it lasted long enough to replace them). And I grabbed a