Refreshing Summer Sorbet

So I had a bunch of strawberries - problem was, I got so many that after I got my fix in, the remaining ones started to just sit in my fridge. I didn't want them to go bad so what could I do with them? I wouldn't eat enough if it was just added to a salad, they'd be too bad before I could finish them. The next thought... sorbet! It's been getting warmer and my windows have been open... what could be more refreshing?! Plus I got a new ice cream maker this winter and I love making new things with it!

So I sliced up my remaining strawberries and had a little over 2 cups of slices. I zested a lime and put in the juice from half of it. Added some sugar and a little coconut rum. Tossed it all together and then covered it and let it sit in the fridge over night. I also put my can of coconut milk in the fridge - this way they'd both be cold and when I combined them, they could go right into the ice cream maker instead of back in the fridge to chill. Plus, I thought of this at 8pm so really staying up to finish things would've taken a bit and I had other things on my mind.

If you're wanting to make this the same day - you could cover the strawberries and let them sit at room temperature for an hour or so.... but you'd still have to chill everything later and that takes at least an hour too. So be sure to give yourself enough time - it will take at least 2 1/2 hours or more. It is a good recipe to start and do throughout the day since if you let it sit longer or chill longer there's no harm done. Or start the night before and finish the next day like I did.

At first I had thought about making it a frozen yogurt, but I had made coconut sorbet as soon as I got the ice cream maker (ok - next day since I had to let a piece freeze)... and the flavor combination sounded like it'd be good. Maybe a frozen yogurt will be next on my hit list if the thought sticks around long enough. I'm sure I'll be freezing more stuff :)

Anyway - after the strawberries have soaked and their juices have got going, put in a food processor and pulse until it was pretty smooth, though I still left some strawberry chunks. Then in a small bowl combine the coconut milk, vanilla, and strawberry puree.

Next comes the fun part - turn the ice cream machine on and pour in your chilled mixture. Then let it do it's thing for a few minutes. It comes out soft and creamy, but if you want it a little firmer you can put in the freezer for a few hours to help it solidify.

And now you have yummy yummy sorbet to enjoy!

Mmmmm Mmmmm good!

After it had frozen a bit more:


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