a little reflective on more...

As the holiday season begins I am amazed at how many ‘sales’ are already out -- holiday gift sets, decorations, music... somehow it’s like Thanksgiving doesn’t exist because there’s this big shopping season... more more more. It seems like the retailers are telling you - this will make you happy... and look at the price, you know you want it. The crazy thing is, many retailers are in the black all year until now... this is what they wait for - this is what brings them into profits... can you imagine how much that means we're spending? yes, sometimes it’s fun and I do find things I love or that I know someone else will. and yes, I have enjoyed my shopping - I may have a slight addiction... But I don’t need more to be happy... more will not bring anything more than a momentary high. More can get you in financial trouble... more can actually make you feel like you have less... having more does not help you -- though retailers sure spend a whole lot to tell you it will. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I love finding a good deal. And I’ve even signed with some direct sales - generally for the starter kit and/or the discount in all reality. I don’t want to plaster my FB with it... yes that may get me some sales - but it will also get people to just unfollow/unfriend me all together. I post when I do a fundraiser or when I have a moment I’m so happy I have to share... but there is a limit - and if I feel the need to share constantly I start another page/group... if my friends want to know they will like it too... if someone else does, they’ll find the page. I don’t want to cram something down my friends throats - no, they may not ever notice the product and it may be something they’ll enjoy... but my friendships are what’s truly worth more for me... not a paycheck... I know some will say I could have both... I don’t see it that way tho... yes, true friends will love me no matter what - but that doesn’t mean they want to see that... and it doesn’t build any amazing relationships. If we talk about it and they’re interested, yes - I’ll share... when I try something new that I like... yes, I’ll share... but that’s as far as I go. 

I do the same thing with hobbies... all my baking and even my dogs... if I like it, yes I post some now and then... but I don’t post everything - even if it is something that excites me... or that I’m proud of... maybe I just don’t understand social media enough, but I am just not one of those 10+ posts a day people... I am not the one to share my everything online. Yet yes, I'm here writing... the irony is not lost on me :)

But in all seriousness, people, relationships I can count on, those are the most valuable ‘more’ things I want... those are what will fill my memories and be more than just fleeting moments of happiness. You cannot buy friendship, you cannot buy happiness... so this holiday season... think of what kind of more you really want... 

Yes, THINGS are nice... but FRIENDS are better. I am thankful for my friends - for my family, for all those who truly fill my heart. The high that comes with THINGS - treats a symptom... it does not fix the issue... and that is why the high fades and you continually want more. Until you are content and happy with who you are, the blessings life has given you, the friends and family you have... you will never seem to have enough. 

I say all this as a moment of reflection... as Thanksgiving approaches, despite how much retailers are skipping it... how stores continually open earlier and earlier to get more sales... instead of getting drawn into it - I realize how lucky I am... how much I have to be thankful for... no, life is not perfect -- but life is good... and perfect is not attainable. Happiness is a choice - and this year - I'm taking a moment to reflect, search my heart, reevaluate my priorities... more will not fix anything, more will only bring a temporary high... more is not what this time of year should be about...


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