Cocoa Krispy Treats

So this Valentine's I totally fell for the make your own big KISS with Rice Krispies in a funnel... However, I thought, Hershey's Kisses are chocolate... so the big krispy one should be too right? So I got Cocoa Krispies and went for it...

Afterwards though, it got me thinking - you can't really just change out Cocoa Krispies for regular... it just doesn't look as rich and chocolatey as I would like...

So I decided to tweak the recipe and make the rest of the cereal into yummy, rich, chocolatey treats...

First when I melted the butter, I added in some chocolate chips.

Now, when mixing up the marshmallows - they'll be all chocolatey too :)

Then all you do is add in your Krispies and pour into your pan and you're done!


Comparatively, I think they look much richer than the KISS ones did... 


Here's my recipe for some yummy, gooey, chocolatey Krispy Treats... 

4       Tbl      Butter
3       Tbl      Chocolate Chips
2       Cups   Mini Marshmallows
3       Cups   Cocoa Krispies

Grease your baking dish that you're going to store your treats in. 

Melt your butter a little over medium high heat and add in your chocolate and stir occasionally until completely melted.

Stir in your marshmallows until completely melted and remove from the heat.

Stir in your Krispies until they're completely covered in the marshmallow mixture and then pour straight into your baking dish. Pat down to smooth out, but not too hard or you'll get tightly packed treats.

Let cool, and enjoy!

Ok - you don't have to let them cool - they're a lot gooier, and don't hold their shape, but they're still very good warm :)

Krispy Treats are simple and oh so very good!


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