Window Water Onions

So I've seen this thing on Pinterest about regrowing green onions you get from the store... I've seen growing them in water or replanting... so of course, I had to try! And being that it's winter and, perhaps, even a little bit of laziness, I figured I'd try going them in my window and seeing how long I could actually "harvest" one bunch of green onions.

Attempt one after about 2 weeks (you can see where I chopped the originals down to from the dried out parts on the outside)... sadly I didn't take a starting photo so that I could show the growth and timing... but I thought they grew pretty darn quick!

I cut them down for a recipe and put them straight in a glass of water in my window... I didn't do anything to the roots. Every few days I would rinse out the roots and replace the water.

After they grew so well, I trimmed them back down... This time I was curious if I should trim the roots or not. So I trimmed some, but not all, and put them back in water in the window. They grew pretty quick again, didn't seem as quick, but it was quick...

And this time - they didn't all grow together... some were certainly taller than others.

Cut #2

Day #3

Day #10

 So on day 10, I took them out of the glass to see if the growth seemed to depend on the changes to the roots... I had only trimmed the first three, but the last two certainly seemed to have more root growth than any of the others. Not sure why though.  But the ones with the most roots were the tallest ones. So perhaps, when growing in the window - the roots shouldn't be cut. Or did I cut them too low? I don't know... this is going to take more than one try to figure out for sure.

On day 10 I trimmed them back down again (the tops only) and peeled off the dead stuff to see if that would help with the growth. Either that was a bad idea, it got too cold, or you only get three times out of them... 1 from the store, the first growth, and a final slower one.... because 12 days later there still wasn't much growth.

Cut #3

Day #12

Along with growing slower after each trim, they seem smaller... they're growing from the center of what was cut last time. So I'm guessing after a certain point you just can't grow them any more... which means, unfortunately they don't appear to continually grow forever as some posts I've read suggest.

You certainly don't get unlimited green onions from one purchase :) But you do get a lot more than the one bunch you buy... next, I'll have to see if actually planting them helps more... I wondered if I could plant these and still get more out of them... there may be more potential. So on day 14 I went ahead and planted them... just the way they were, didn't mess with the roots or anything so some were short and some were long...

Along with seeing if these grow any more, the next ones I buy, I'll have to plant and see how they grow in the window :)

I'll post more with the results of these later - they've not been planted long.


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