A Little Sweet Treat

I must admit, I have a sweet tooth! But I'm trying to cut back on the amount of sugar I have - eating mostly natural sugars or only small sweet treats. A bite or two here or there won't be that bad and it helps take care of that sugar craving when fruits just won't cut it.... right? Well that's my theory :)

So I raided my freezer and pantry the other day and decided on a Cheerio treat - a little almond bark, butterscotch chips, and agave made a wonderfully sweet coating for the Cheerios. The gooey stickiness of them reminded me of making Rice Crispy Treats... but I didn't want to have to put them in a pan, cut them, and be sure they didn't stick to the pan... so instead I just made little piles of them on some wax paper to make them quickly grabbable when it's time for a sweet treat. It was messy, but they'll be the perfect snack size - just a few bites each.

They were so good and plenty sweet enough to give me my fix. Plus, they were quick and easy - can't go wrong there :)

Cheerio Treats

3 Squares Almond Bark
1/4 Cup Butterscotch Chips
1/4 Cup Agave
4 Cup Multi-Grain Cheerios

Instructions: In small pot over low heat, melt together the almond bark, butterscotch chips, and agave. Once melted and smooth, pour over Cheerios in large bowl and stir to combine. Make sure that all Cheerios are coated.

Place a large stip of wax paper on counter top. Drop small handfuls on the wax paper. Allow to dry for an hour, then move to air tight container and place in fridge.

They're ready to enjoy whenever you're craving something sweet.

A little peanut butter would be good mixed in too - maybe next time :)


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