DIY Card Box

When looking at card boxes for my wedding I was amazed at how expensive the ones I liked were! I was also surprised by all the DIY directions out there. And since DIY was so much less, I figured if nothing else, it was worth a shot... and if I totally hated it, I still had time to buy one.

I had seen some great ones done with scrapbook paper and some lovely ones with fabric. So after surfing the net and finding great ideas I tried to take the things I liked from my favorites and tried to pull in our wedding colors. The main color was royal purple but we had wanted some blue mixed in too. Instead of just adding white and blue ribbon for accents, I decided to try to make blue one of the main colors. For awhile I was iffy about this choice, but all in all - I think it worked well. And it definitely served it's purpose.

Sadly, I did not take pictures of the process for this so I am simply going to link the directions I read and used as my guide. I added an extra tier and flipped them upside down. The link can be found here.

Basically I purchased 3 different sized round hat boxes (I found them on clearance at Michaels). Cut holes in the lid and base of the one that would go in the middle, and just a hole in the base of the bottom one (I sat them upside down), and a hole in the lid of the top one with a rectangle hole in it's base for the cards to go through.

I used spray glue and fabric to cover my boxes and lids. And then stacked them the way I wanted them (leaving the bottom lid off) and put different sided cards through the top to be sure they fell through properly. I did end up making a few adjustments through this process.

Then I tried to figure out how to decorate and added the ribbon I wanted. Next it was time to glue them together. I did this with hot glue and double checked the way they were lined up along the way. The bottom lid was the only one I didn't glue on. I would need to be able to get this off later to get the cards out.

I glued glittered letters onto some ribbon to spell the word CARDS and attached it to the top of the box. After placing the bottom lid on, I glued the bottom of the CARDS ribbon to it so that you could not get the lid off without un-attaching the ribbon.

Here's are a few pictures of how it came out. We wanted it to look like a gift on the gift table but still stand out enough to be noticeable. So we went with a brighter blue and purple than our colors were. And used them as the main color instead of white, and ended up using white as an accent.


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