Crock-Pot Breakfast

Fall is quickly approaching and the crock-pot has been on my brain... hence the back to back crock-pot recipes :) It's my best friend and for some reason it always gets more use as it gets colder :)

I'm always looking for new recipes to try and the thought of waking up for breakfast is just as nice as the thought of coming home to dinner. I've never braved breakfast before though.

I have found a few that said they could be done overnight, but they recommended less time so it didn't get mushy... so really, it may not be the best overnight breakfast.. However, after seeing several crock-pot oatmeal/porridge recipes I figured it was high time I tried it.

I didn't brave the overnight version - I didn't even make the full one (just in case I didn't like it, I didn't want to be stuck with 4 - 5 more servings)... plus it gave the excuse to use the mini crock-pot I got last year that I've never used yet. It's a dip one that came with the bigger one.

I didn't tweak the recipe too much - I've never made steal cut oats before so I played it safe. I added some of my normal oatmeal flavors, crossed my fingers, and waited. What I got reminded me a bit of Apple Cider... hence the name :)

Apple Cider Oats for One

1/4 Cup         Steel Cut Oats
1/4 Cup    Orange Juice
3/4 Cup         Water
1/4 Cup         Apple (diced)
2 Tbl.         Dried Cranberries
1 Dash Cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in a small dip crock-pot.

 Cook for 4.5 - 5 hours.

Top with a little extra cinnamon and enjoy.

If you do not have a small crockpot, you can increase the proportions (probably safest at least 4x) and cook on low in the crock-pot.

Inspired by this recipe for apple pie breakfast from the crock-pot.

Really, you can flavor it however you want - think of it as normal oatmeal and add the flavors you like most.


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