BBQ Beer Chicken Sandwiches

When cooking with the crock-pot I've done a bit of BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, but I didn't want to do the same thing... however, I wanted BBQ... so while it's not a huge stretch, I did branch myself a little. And while I like the thought of a mango BBQ - I wasn't sure it was something I could get the hubby to go for (though I'm sure I'll try that one of these days too)... so what could be an easily accepted tweak that sounds yummy? BEER!

That was it! So to make a simple BBQ beer chicken sandwich I went... And with the crock-pot, it really can't get much easier. 

The beer and BBQ sauce by themselves impart a lot of flavor - so I didn't add a bunch extra. 

And as per usual - the simplicity of the crock-pot is also wonderful for lazy days... so it was super nice to toss dinner together over lunch and then come home and dinner is almost ready... it's great. 

Now I didn't make a bunch - I need to get a smaller circle crock-pot again so that I can put more meat in without needing a ton of liquid. So I only used three chicken breasts because I didn't want to have to use a bunch of beer and BBQ sauce to cover it. With that said, you can add as much chicken as you want - so long as it's covered with liquid (or you're home to flip it regularly so it doesn't get too dry).

BBQ Beer Chicken Sandwiches

3+                         Chicken Breasts
1             Bottle     Beer (12 oz)
1 1/2       Cup        BBQ Sauce (divided)
3             tsp          Paprika
1             tsp          Onion Powder
1             tsp          Garlic Powder

Toss chicken in crock-pot

Sprinkle with paprika

Sprinkle with onion and garlic powder

Pour in beer

Add in one cup BBQ sauce

Mix together (you may want to add the chicken last - makes it easier to mix)

Cook on low 6 - 8 hours, take out chicken to shred

Add back into sauce

Then add in remaining BBQ sauce and mix - recover and allow to cook for at least another 15 minutes for the flavors to be absorbed

Strain out the chicken and put it on your buns (you don't have to strain it, but this helps prevent your buns from getting too soppy/wet)

At this point you can either thicken the sauce you have in your crock-pot to use on your sandwiches or you can use extra BBQ sauce - or enjoy them without the sauce... the chicken is very flavorful on it's own and honestly doesn't need more sauce. We tried them both ways and liked them both - the extra sauce makes them a bit messier, but other than that - extra sauce is truly just a matter of preference.

This is one simple, quick, yummy, messy sandwich!


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