Soup in Bread

There's something about a snowy day that makes me want soup... and lets face it - soup is always best out of a bread bowl! And it is odd to think of craving a bread bowl filled with soup in spring - but they're good anytime... and unfortunately, spring hasn't really caught up to us... we're trapped in winter for some reason.

Anyways - I digress... soup in bread bowls - yummy! However, I was super lazy with my bread bowls... those were simply a loaf made in the bread machine, cut in half, and hallowed out. I know I could've just had the machine make the dough and bake it and actually make bread "bowls" in the process... but I just didn't feel like it. Granted, I did make a different type of loaf instead of just a white bread. I did a cottage cheese chive loaf... and wrinkle your nose at that all you want but it was super good and went great with potato soup!

So today I'll share two recipes with you... one for a very yummy potato soup and the other for cottage cheese chive bread -- but it's with the bread machine and unfortunately I have no clue how to do it without the bread machine... sorry :( But if you do know how - I must admit, it's a pretty darn good bread!

Jalapeno Potato Soup

4        Tbl           Butter
1        Med         Onion (chopped)
1        Large       Jalapeno (seeded and diced)
1        Tbl           Garlic (minced)
1/4     Cup          Flour
4        Cups        Chicken Stock
1 1/2  Cups        2% Milk
5        Small       White Potatoes or 2 large baking (chopped)
1        Cup          Mozzarella Cheese
1/2     Cup          Pepper Jack Cheese
                           Salt & Pepper
                           Bacon, Chives, and Cheese (for garnish)

In a large saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the jalapeno and let it simmer for a little on it's own. Add onion and saute until it begins to become transparent. Add in garlic and saute for an additional minute.

Sprinkle the flour over the top and continue to stir for 2 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste -- I added about a 1/2 tsp each.

Gradually stir in the stock and then the milk. Stir in the potatoes and bring the soup to a boil.  Cover and allow to simmer over medium low for 30 minutes.

Remove from heat and, using an immersion blender, puree the soup. Personally I like to leave some chunks - but that's totally up to you, you could make it perfectly smooth if you wanted.

FYI - the more you puree it, the thicker it will end up being. So if you don't want it too thick, you may want to add more stock and milk... it all depends on your preference. I like it a little thick but still semi soupy.

Return to low heat and add the cheese about a 1/2 cup at a time, stirring until melted and smooth each time.

Top with extra cheese, crisp bacon, and chives as desired.

Cottage Cheese Chive Bread

3/4       Cup        Water
3/4       Cup        Cottage Cheese
1                         Egg
2           Tbl         Butter
1 1/2     tsp          Sea Salt
3 3/4     Cups      Flour
3           Tbl         Dried Chives
2 1/2     tsp          Salt
2 1/4     tsp          Active Dry Yeast

Put all wet ingredients in bread machine. Top with dry ingredients, expect yeast. Make a small well in the top of your dry ingredients to add in the yeast - being sure it doesn't touch the water.

Turn the machine onto the sweet setting. Crust darkness of your preference (I did medium). Hit start, walk away, and wait for the beep :)

I didn't take a picture of the loaf before I filled it with soup - but this one shows the loaf a little more :)


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