Crock-Pot Tapioca

Some people love it, others hate it... I must admit I've never met anyone on the fence about their feelings for it... Tapioca.

Personally, I love tapioca pudding. I have to be in the mood for it, but there's something oddly comforting about it. Many people don't like it - the ones I know say it's a textual thing... 

I don't know why tapioca got me thinking about the drink Oribitz, but it did... so I'm sharing my trip down memory lane too... Much like some people's take on tapioca pudding, people didn't like the texture. And understandably, it seemed odd to have something semi-solid in a drink. For some reason though, I liked it - it was an odd treat in my book. I loved the fruit flavors and the odd little floating balls in each bottle. It intrigued me because it was so different. Granted, I will admit, when I think of a drink - that wasn't my idea of anything refreshing... it was more of an odd dessert than a drink. Sadly, to me, it didn't last long on the shelves... it was there and gone in less than a year... and is on the Time's top 10 list of Bad Beverage Ideas... and I must admit, there are some VERY odd sounding drinks on that list and Orbitz was listed as #10, which I like to believe means it was the  best of the worst... granted, Orbitz is the only one I've had so my opinion is certainly biased... especially since I was one of the few people bummed when it disappeared from the shelves. 

Anyway, I digress - back to tapioca... I decided I wanted to make some tapioca pudding today, but didn't want the big portion that I usually end up with after making it on the stove top. While I know I totally could have gone with using a small pot and making less on the stove, I chose to make it in my dip crock-pot... one little pot, with no setting option... it comes in incredibly handy really. So to the mini crock-pot I went... 

Now this would be a bad idea if I wanted the pudding now - as with every recipe, if you do it in the crock-pot it takes longer than it would otherwise. But the simplicity is amazing and while it doesn't really add much simplification to pudding, cause it's pretty basic already, I couldn't resist. So far I haven't found anything I haven't liked out of the crock-pot... though I have learned to be careful with timing depending on what I've put in it. 

So since I wanted to use the crock-pot, I pulled out my little dip one and poured in some almond milk, small tapioca pearls, a pinch of salt, and some sugar... put on the lid and waited.

After about 20 minutes as I had forgotten to take a picture:

After 3 hours:

After 3 hours I poured the hot mixture into a tupperware and put it in the fridge to cool. 

Going into the fridge:

Delishousness that came out of the fridge:

And it was OOOOOOH SOOO GOOD! The almond milk created a wonderful flavor! Simple and yummy - it was perfect for my sweet tooth that gave me the idea.


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