My Friday Fix

Today is going to be my #foodiefriday - it's the day the weekend begins and often when I can justify food splurges... I am trying to have a more regularly healthy diet, but you need a cheat day now and then... right?  Maybe that's just me but I love food way too much to not enjoy it :) Plus, my day started on a bit of a sour note - so the thought of vegging on the couch snacking sounds divine now that I'm home. Plus, what better way to spend a Foodie Friday other than talking about something yummy that you can enjoy over the weekend? 

Unfortunately my morning migraine is now a dull headache, but that's not going to stop me. I wouldn't let it keep me from work... I wouldn't let it keep me from walking 5 miles or doing my 15 minute ab challenge... and it sure isn't going to keep me from food! It will however, keep me from getting over complicated... but sometimes a handy quick yummy recipe is the best! 

There are a ton of simple snack recipes out there... and I'm sure this isn't the only one like it, but there is something about a warm soft pretzel that is super comforting to me. Am I crazy? I don't know what it is and I can't explain it -- but it is one of my favs. Maybe it's because I always wanted one when we'd be at the mall but would rarely get one... or because the only time I had them was special occasions when we bought them... So when I learned how to make my own, I was hooked! And when I found a simple, quick way to make them -- well, lets just say we ate lots of pretzels for a few weeks :)

Admittedly I even found a draft of the first time I ever made this recipe in an old draft for a post. Sadly I never finished it... but better late than never right?

In keeping with making this simple - you really only need 4 ingredients... though it depends on if you want a dipping sauce or a particular flavor of pretzel... regardless though - you can't get that complicated so it's a perfect quick snack. 

So lets go ahead and get started - I don't know about you, but just talking about it makes me hungry. So lets grab a can of biscuits and turn it into bite sized pretzel numminess!

First, put a pot of baking soda water on to boil. Next, take the biscuits apart and cut each one into quarters and roll each into a ball. 

Once water is boiling drop each ball in for just a few seconds.

You'll notice the texture change, take them out of the water and place them on a cookie sheet.

Sprinkle with salt or seasoning of your preference. Then you bake them and after a few minutes - you have amazing pretzels to snack on... While baking, if you want a dipping sauce, it's the perfect time to make it.

Simple, quick, and ohhhhhh so good! Now it's time to sit back, enjoy, and indulge in the pretzel goodness! These make the perfect snack for any occasion! 

Bite-Sized Basic Pretzels:
1 16.3oz can biscuits (8)
1 tablespoon baking soda per cup water you're boiling (you can choose how big of a pot you need and how many you want to be able to boil at a time)
1 egg beaten with a splash of water (2 teaspoons or so)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F 

Mix your baking soda into your water and put it on high to bring to a boil

Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces and roll each quarter into a ball so that you have 32 dough balls

Drop each ball into the water to give them about a 30 second baking soda water bath then take it out and put it on a cookie sheet

Once all have had their water bath, brush the top of each with your egg mixture and sprinkle some salt on them... if you really like the two toned look - you can cut a slice or two in the top (just scoring it, not actually cutting off any dough)

Bake in the oven until a nice golden brown, about 10 minutes or so

Allow to cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!



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