That's It

So I'm sticking with my #TryItTuesday for now... and boy oh boy did a friend of mine just introduce me to an AMAZING product!! And no, neither of us has any benefit of sharing this product other than knowing how good it is, and how good it is for you :)

So we've both been trying to clean our diet up - eat healthier, less processed, and less unknown/chemical/manmade ingredients.... cleaner eating for the most part. I still have my protein powders I love as well as some supplements... but I am noticing a change from my cleaner eating. I crave less sugar, natural sugars taste sweeter, and certain foods just don't taste like they used to. The other day for example, I tried a tootsie pop... I used to love these - heck all things sweet and sugary I tend to love. It's not that anything was wrong with it, or that it was any less that it was before... but my tastebuds have changed that all I could taste was the artificial flavoring... Have you ever watched Cupcake Wars? Totally love that show! Anyways, I never understood all the talk about artificial flavoring unless they were just totally overpowering it... now I get it though. There is such a difference!

Don't get me wrong - I still like my sweet treats... tootsie pops may just not be on the list any more. While I'm hoping flavored tootsie rolls, nerds, and jelly belly beans get to stay on the list -- when I sit down and think about it, I know it's best not to have too much of those anyway. They're good (ooooh soooo good), but they're not particularly good for me. Though I hope they get to stay on the list and be my little sweet splurge now and then :)

As my taste buds continue to change, I'm needing less honey to sweeten my smoothies, tea, and coffee (coffee with cinnamon and honey -- very good). I had a bowl of fruit the other night and the strawberries were sweet - requiring no sugar and I didn't have that tart, pucker face eating them. I've always loved strawberries but I've also generally wanted sugar with them... or sweetened whipped cream at least.

So while I've always loved fruit, my love for it has grown as I've cut out the processed sugar. I'm enjoying the natural sweetness of the fruit - the way it was meant to be! And not only that, but I can eat more and see the benefits! Each fruit has it's own set of natural benefits too!!

And that is what makes this product AMAZING -- it's fruit, just fruit -- That's It. It's like a healthy amazing fruit rollup that's 100% fruit and in bar form! Great for all ages!

That's It (yes, that's the name) - is a healthy snack that is just made of certain fruit combinations. Each bar is 100 calories and full of all the great nutrient gold that is naturally in the fruit!

I tried a apple + mango bar and instantly had to get more. This one bar had: 1% sodium, 9% carbs, 12% dietary fiber, 25% vitamin C, 2% calcium, 2% iron, and 23g (natural) sugar. They only use fruit - no preservatives, no nuts. Simply fruit - That's It (what a fitting and perfect name!).

Here's some info from That's It:
That’s it. ® was founded to improve the quality of life of children and adults worldwide by making fruit and its benefits accessible to people everywhere.  Through education, focused research, sustainability and ethical practices, That’s it's. ® mission is to provide products to improve, protect and restore the body.  Our journey starts with That’s it. ® fruit bars. A product that focuses on fruit and delivers unprecedented taste, texture and cleanliness of ingredients listed on the product label.  That’s It. ® bars grew from the idea that nature knows best. We agree. We believe that adding a bunch of extra stuff to natural fruit only takes away from the purity and balance that nature intended.
Ingredient lists have never been this simple and this clean until now. We use only natural, non-GMO fruit and nothing else.  Our goal is to make it convenient for people to get their “2-a-day.” That means that you get 2 whole servings of fruit from just one That’s It. ® bar.  With taste, convenience and portion control, That’s It. ® has raised the bar on fruit.
They have some great information on their page - including homemade whipped coconut cream... ummm, YUM! If anything I've shared above has perked your interest, you should totally check them out!

Simple product with great taste, that's good for you?! Where has this been all my life? Seriously - IN LOVE! These will be hard to keep in my house - they'll vanish instantly between my husband and I. Self control will be required for sure!

I tried, I loved it, I will sing it's praises from the rooftops -- it's THAT GOOD! Always nice to try something and love it :)


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