Time Flies

Wow, hard to believe it has pretty much been a year since I last published anything... I like sharing the info and my experiments, but I'm bad at actually taking the time to write. It's not that I don't have the time - I just tend to jump around with things and, admittedly, I like my lazy time too.

However, that lazy time isn't necessarily all that productive. Not that I HAVE to be doing something.... but I want to feel like I've done more... made at least some impact.  So I'm giving this another go. I'll need to figure out a pattern to my sharing that can go across topics,  so bate with me as I try to create new habits and see what works :)

Over the past year I've gained all sorts of hobbies...

My baking has continued and I keep getting fun challenges. I'm still far from charging what they're worth, but they're fun, good practice, and my friends and family enjoy them :)

I play poker almost nightly... not for the money, but the people... it's fun and I get to feel closer to friends and family around the country :) though yes, the fact that it comes to being a profitable hobby is certainly icing on the cake. It's also challenging as you can always improve and it's certainly something that even the best can continually learn from.

I've gotten into two side businesses (the if you count baking) for products I love... and I've renewed my commitment to be healthier. Mostly to make it easier when I get older... but also because I've been so broken that I'm hoping if I rebuild myself slowly I won't break again.

To say I have my hands in a few pots would be an understatement... and aside from not being the most organized (never have been) it's working out pretty well :)

So here's to a fresh start... a new beginning.


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