Try It Tuesday Thoughts

A few days ago, I mentioned that I had signed up with a few companies because I loved the products... well, I'm going to go ahead and share the info of one of them with you now... not to sell you anything or get you to sign up... but to share one of the products I love -- GREENS.

I don't know about you, but I do not eat the correct amounts of everything I am supposed to have. Fiber, Veggies, Fruits -- honestly, you could probably pick it and I wouldn't have enough of it. I'm working on fixing that... with food as well as supplements. The GREENS from ItWorks! are amazing! They truly do not have the taste you'd expect... it looks horrible... though maybe that's just me - there's just something about drinking something green that seems wrong in my head... But when I first tried the Orange GREENS on the go -- I was amazed to find that even in water it simply tasted like orange infused water.

*this also happens to be one of my all time fav JAMICURES*

While they taste fine, there is still that appearance, so I started thinking of things to mix it in with... admittedly it often times still comes out looking quite green... though with certain smoothie blends it doesn't stand out too bad.... or at least, lightens :) Again, this is my own personal mental issue... so really an irrelevant point I suppose... but just in case anyone else has hang ups like that - worth the mention.

*mango and some strawberries*

*strawberries mostly*


The purpose of taking the GREENS is to help alkalize, balance, and detoxify my body. It gives you more of what you body needs and helps it balance out. It creates a difference that you can feel! For me personally, I notice changes in my energy and digestion most. It helps give me a good start to the day and gets me multiple servings of fruits and veggies along with 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods. A co-worker I have swears about balancing your bodies pH and paying attention to how acidic/alkaline you are... it makes sense when you listen to it, but I always figured if I ate 'clean'/fresh that it'd help do that... I'm guessing I do not get enough of those things because I haven't noticed anything until trying this...

That said - the energy is just kind of my daily energy... not a kick of caffeine type, but not so lethargic. Personally, for more of a kick of energy mid-day - I like Advocare Spark... I've also tried the Supershot from TrueStarHealth...

I didn't love the taste of the Supershot and really never go into the product like I did Spark. So for me, regular daily - I pick GREENS from ItWorks! but for a mid-day pick me up... I would certainly recommend Spark.

I like that it helps me not be too wasteful about all the items I buy to make into a smoothie - as I don't have to make anything and worry about it spoiling. And the taste is such a biggie! I only attempted to make my own green juice twice... they were epic failures that tasted horrid. So once I found this - I was more than happy to settle with it. Good taste, good for me, why wouldn't I want it? Plus - it's super convenient as I can take it with me where ever I go... I don't need a blender, I don't need to shop or chop anything, and it is super quick/easy to enjoy!

It comes in two flavors - orange and berry. I have only tried the orange -- but it has been in smoothies, water, and orange juice. It is also the reason why I tried the GREEN chews... which admittedly do taste more healthy - but they're a sweet treat in my book and taste a lot like blueberries too! I can tell there are other things mixed into it, it certainly doesn't taste like a pure blueberry, but again - pretty close :) My husband loves them too and they've made a good sweet fix substitute :)

Interested in the GREENS? Check them out here. If you have any questions on any products I've mentioned - feel free to let me know. I'd be happy to help answer any questions to the best of my ability.

I honestly love the GREENS - to me, it's a product worth trying if you're in the market for such an item... same with the Spark honestly. Ask your friends -- you may even know someone who already uses them (and possibly sells or could get referral goodies) ... Personally, I'm always hesitant to take a "sellers" word on it... they have to say they love it right? But when it's a friend, it's easier to feel it's an honest review... when you don't know someone, then you look at product reviews and research the products for yourself... so for me... I look at this as more of an FYI if you're interested post... yes, I sell the GREENS now... but that's because I fell in love with them so I'm sharing my honest review in hopes that it is at least a little beneficial :)


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