Quick Artwork - Just Cause

The weekend is over and it's back to the normal daily grind... however, I felt my crafty bug crawling so I went ahead and got my canvas back out. A few months ago I had been working on items for a local animal shelter that does a charity art auction and I absolutely hated one of them... so I repainted over the whole thing in black to make it a black canvas... it was time to create something on it. That said, I wasn't feeling anything that would take a lot of time... I had dinner to get ready and some cleaning to do... and a poker game to play in... so not a ton of crafty time. The last detailed crafty time I did that I didn't have enough time for... well, the remnants can still be seen in my craft room... so yes, that's part of the cleaning I had. When working to get something done in time - I can destroy a room like no tomorrow... craft room and kitchen (for baking) in particular. 

Anyways, I thought today's quick little project might be good for a #MakeItMonday type post... I like art work, but I'm certainly no amazing artist... somehow I get lucky with cake, but painting isn't really my thing. Yet, I buy canvas when it's on sale because I like trying different things and seeing how they come out. 

For this - I only needed 3 things... 1) my canvas 2) spray paint (used 2 colors, but that's completely up to you) and 3) vinyl cut out

First place newspaper or cardboard over your work surface and put your canvas in the center. Then lay your vinyl piece wherever you want it.

Then you get to have fun with spray paint and spray wherever you want with whatever color :) I spray heavier around where the vinyl is to be sure there will be a clear image when it's removed, and then just rather randomly for the rest. I also like to pump it so that I get a slight spatter effect.

Remove the vinyl cautiously and then allow to dry. 

I will most likely go back over this with a paint pen to add an eye and mouth once the paint is dry and I don't have to worry about touching part of it. 

I did one with the opposite method not too long ago (which is why I had the dog cutout already). I had painted the canvas and started painting a dog... to once again give up on my ability to draw and cover up the attempt with more lines... I liked it as a background and I used the negative of the vinyl to allow me to color in the dog figure. I must admit, I loved the way it came out. I can still make out the outline of the dog head I had started to draw, but I know what I'm looking for... so far, no one else has noticed it :) I like the abstractness of it and think it's fun. 

As both of these canvas' show, or at least, their back stories tell... I don't often get it right on the first try... and I may have to shift gears - but I do not let that keep me from experimenting :) and surprisingly, in the end, I usually like the final product. 

So have fun - and if you want to try something - go for it! 

Happy Monday :)


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